When making cheese is part of your gastronomy tour.
The best way to understand how hard is to make homemade cheese, you have to put the gloves on and press the rennet. Something so simple as pressing cheese it can turn in bad pain in your wrist and back.

Cheese maker pressing rennet
As you are not trained as our wonderful cheese makers, you are going to feel pain after a few minutes pressing. These amazing cheese makers have been helping their families since they are kids. Cheese making have been in their families since they can remember and it goes back to four generation and some cases even more.
Gran Canaria has 80 different artisans cheese maker and a lot of international recognition. Last November 2018 Gran Canaria sent 21 different cheeses samples to participate at the World Cheese Awards and won 15 medals. We didn’t need anyone to let us know we have the best cheeses but it’s good to be appreciate and promoted
We know our cheeses and that is why Canary Islands population are the largest cheeses consumer in Spain and we have the largest goat cheese production in our country too. It’s no joke we have the best cheeses…
So again, if you are looking for things to do in Gran Canaria while visiting, come with the sun for a few hours and get lost in our amazing country side and gastronomy. Don’t you dare to leave Gran Canaria without tasting it a bit before. Buen provecho.
And remember, by visiting local productions and business, you are collaborating to diversify mass tourism located in touristic areas towards local areas and you are also helping our local economy. Among others you are being responsible with the impact of your visit. Thank you! Sustainable tourism is an option.
Source: Noticias desde wordpress.com